Ham & Mushroom Frittata

The Frittata is the Italian cousin to the French Omlette.   Learning how to make a good one takes the right equipment and a little practice.

The first trick is to make sure all your ingredients are cut very small and that they are the same size.  Just hacking that onion or shallot where some are the size of a dime while others are tiny slithers won't get the job done.  You'll end up with some burnt and some raw pieces.

The second trick, get a good non-stick pan.  I bought this one specifically to cook eggs.  Thick metal=good and you want that surface as slick as can of oil.  Go for one at the restaurant supply store (or Sam's); these are much better and cheaper than those high priced "brand names".

Third trick, beat the eggs.  I mean really beat them.  The more air you whisk into them, the fluffier the Frittata will be.

Last,  Practice the flip.  Frittata's are far more rewarding than an omlette.  Anybody can flip an egg over onto itself.  I really enjoy Frittata's because you can really cook your eggs how you want them.  Like your eggs easy? Just flip it when things are still runny.  Want it like a hockey puck? Let it cook until it gets brown on the bottom.
With a little practice, you can easily flip everything in one swift motion.  Just be ready to clean your stovetop the first few attempts.


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